Wednesday, 28 December 2016

3 Downsides of Minimalism that I've experienced

I love Minimalism and I still do embrace it but down the line I've realized there are fall backs during my journey to Minimalism although I realized part of the blame is my over-excitement and not Minimalism per se.. I'd like to see my downside to Minimalism as reminders of things I should be wary of.

1. You spend more

I've actually covered in my last article how I bought less because of Minimalism but as of recently, not exactly. Yes, I don't careless buy and hoard things. I have been more mindful (and more satisfied) of my purchases. I might have bought less things but I've definitely have bought more expensive things.

Yes, it's good to invest in quality goods but always be mindful of how much you're spending.

2. Getting rid of things too fast

I do realized when I get too excited of de-cluttering, I realized oh shit. I don't enough pants to wear... And I end up repeating mistake No. 1.

I think it's good to get rid of things you don't love but you have to make do with what you have. I believe in taking step by step. So, you can slowly adjust yourself and your budget.

Yeah, I believe you should get rid of the junk you have (especially the things that are just dusting there in your room) but remember to make do with what you already have. Don't be too quick to get rid of things you would later end up re-buying.

3. Being super picky with gifts

One of the things I fear is when my mom comes back home from traveling with souvenirs for me... Before Minimalism, I welcomed anything and everything and be disappointed if there wasn't any for me. But now... I jump when I hear she got me something.. Cause she's my mom.. and not using or getting rid of that souvenir can be really difficult...

I think here it's all about setting expectations. I think after a number of rejections from me and my expression of things I do like, my mom came back with souvenirs I really do enjoy.

If you actually realize other things, do share with me in the comments below! I would love to hear your experiences :D

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