Wednesday 5 October 2016

Minimalism to help with ADD/ADHD in Adults

Mess never really posed a problem with me when I was high school and university and luckily I have a maid who helps me with the cleaning.

When I started in the working world, that was when my organized mess got twisted. I couldn't keep up or find things. I always felt lost and confused... And my mess which felt like an organized chaos felt like just total and utter chaos....

Minimalism help me cull through the mess and help me find things better.

1. It's easier to find things when I need it
I still have moments where I'm like "where did I put that thing again?" when I put things down for a moment. But at least my storage of things was much better. Now, I have a better grasp on where I store my things and where I can most probably find them.

2. It helps me to reduce my anxieties and calms me down
Back then when I felt burn out and depressed, my messy room felt stuffy, crowded and overwhelming. With a clean room now, I realized why people say a messy bed is a messy head. Seeing a clean room really does calm my mind.

Since I have less things, I have less to worry about.
(For example, finding clothes to wear takes a few minutes :D)

3. It made my life a little more organized
I admit I still struggle to keep things organized but minimalism help cut off part of my disorganized habits. Because I wanted to emulate this minimalist lifestyle, I kept reminding myself that I should keep what's most important in my life and give more attention to it. This helps me to give myself reminders to reflect on what I should really focus on and cull away meaningless distractions.

Hopefully, it'll help you too ;)

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