Friday, 7 October 2016

Minimalism: 6 Steps on how to keep your room clean

In my past life, I was a disillusioned girl. In denial perhaps. I was that girl living in a room full of mess and that said.... NOOOOOO!!! Don't move my stuff!! I know where things are.

Now, I clean for fun. Such satisfaction. But serious. I really enjoy cleaning. I find it rewarding and calming.

So how do I keep my room clean?


Step 1: Get a maid.

lol. I'm kidding. Here are my real tips!

1. Have less stuff
Purge your things and get rid of things you don't need. If you have less stuff, you have less to clean ;)

2. Have a place for everything
Set a place for everything and make sure you place your things there right after you use it. For example my bag goes on the hat stand next to my door.

3. Do it right away!!
If it doesn't take much time, do it NOW! Ask yourself and be honest, will cleaning this mess take me a lot of time?

4. Start small 
If spring cleaning seems so daunting and ending up never happening... then start small like cleaning your accessories or places you usually visit. Make it a habit rather than making it a one off thing.

5. Reward yourself
I know cleaning up can be boring so sometimes I would watch a show I like or a podcast I enjoy while I do my chores. Or reward yourself with a pat on the back or a treat. It may seem meaningless to praise oneself but it trains your mind to encourage yourself that cleaning can be fun. I usually like to admire my clean room ;)

6. Set up a habit and schedule it.
Later later later and it shall never come. Come up with a plan or schedule when you will do it. You don't have to get specific on the time but it's good to set it after something you're already doing daily. For example, you can set cleaning your room on every Saturday after you take your morning bath.

Let me know in the comments below if it worked for you ;)

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