Saturday 27 June 2015

Car Seat Support? Is that what they call it?

Fair warning. I'm just rambling about my new stuff. Hehe.

Recently, I've been having problems with my posture. It's been absolutely horrendous! I've been slouching and I'm afraid I'll have back aches in the future. I blame all the times I've used the computer on my bed... I've been trying to fix it by sitting up straight but I tend to fall back to habit and well... I've been getting back aches when I sit up straight for too long... Ironic isn't it? The one thing I'm trying to avoid....

But man! I found something that can help me!

Booo yah!!!

Bought from Mr. DIY for RM4.50.

I've been wanting to buy this but never got the chance and the right price. But when I found it at RM4.50, it was worth the waste! And now, I'm starting to think it as an investment! I'm gonna buy one for my car and my work place! wink! ;)

It feels likes it's working. Maybe I'll update this in a month's time. How much my posture has changed.

Till then!

Yeah... didn't really work out for me... cause the chair in my room was too short and my little sister kept playing with it and ruining the strap... Am thinking of doing an article on How to improve your posture. See how it goes ;)

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