Wednesday 9 November 2016

Stage fright and my love for the stage

Some confessions of my own. I may look confident on stage but hell am I a nervous wreck inside.

I love performing. I love the stage. I love working together with like-minded individuals and create a fun experience for everyone to enjoy! I never saw performing as a career or a passion to pursue (unlike my all-time love for writing comics and stories. Now, that has always been a career I truly want to pursue and a passion I will never give up on.). I love to dance, sing and act but I only do it for the fun of it. I enjoy it and like to share it with others.

And because of that, I have always joined in my school concert or any event that gives me the opportunity to stand on stage. The ironic thing is.... I always and I mean ALWAYS had and still have stage frights. There are way too many times where I perform and forget something, either lines or dance moves or even what to do next.

I remember singing on stage (alone) with my hands shaking the mike furiously from the fear and my nerves. I even tried to take off my glasses so I would be able to see the audience but... bleh... still forgot my speech...

Despite the countless mistakes and mishaps that happens to me, it has never discouraged me to stop standing on stage.

I guess at the end of the day, the good always outweighed the bad. Despite kinda... making a fool of myself at times... I really enjoyed my time working with other people and doing what I like to do.

So for those who do feel the nerves and butterflies or experience stage fright, know that you're not the only one and that most of us still do ;)

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