Monday 6 June 2016

My experience with Laser Hair Removal

I was invited by a friend to be a practice subject for a laser hair removal. Since it's free and I trust my friend (trust is important with these kinds of things!), I said sure and signed up for my under arms and upper lips.

A few things to note before going for a laser hair removal...

  1. Keep your hair short to about 1mm. So, shave 1 or 2 days beforehand. 
  2. Make sure not to have any product on wherever you plan to laser off. So no moisturizers or deodorant.
So that day, I came early so I could prepare the forms etc. When it was my turn, they gave me a goggles that was tinted so I couldn't really see what was going on. They first started with my upper lip. The doctor placed a certain suction cup (the laser machine) on my upper lips. When she used the laser, I could feel a slight poke on my lips and burning smell. They also had a vacuum or some kind of fan to suck away the smoke.

After that, they moved on to my underarm. Now, this was a bit painful. When they laser my hair off, I could feel a stinging feeling like someone was poking into my skin with a sharp needle. It wasn't scary painful but it did hurt.

So the results? AMAZING!!!!!

I only did it for fucks since it was free but man! Does it work! My underarm hair have drastically decrease. It's less and finer! And it's more than a month after the session!

The doctor did mention beforehand that it takes a few sessions to completely remove your hair because of the hair growth cycle. But all in all! It worked! and if you're up for it, I totally recommend! But my advice, do research about the place you're going.. I have heard that some laser hair removal didn't work out so well whereby their doctor screwed up... So invest on a reputable place.

Peace out!

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