Image source: MMA |
I think I've been brain washed by my parents and the media that women are easy targets.. I currently have a fear of being attacked when alone. Not always a bad thing to be extra cautious but I would like to have the confidence to know I'm able to protect myself or at least defend till I find a way to escape.
So, my younger brothers invited me to join them for their MMA practice. I was a little hesitant being that there's only one other girl there besides me and how rough the sport might but.... I still eager to learn. So I gave it a try.
Maybe my experience can give some insight (especially my fellow ladies) on a glimpse on how it's like.
My First Try with MMA
I went for the trial first (which most gyms provide free trials). On my first day, they started out with a one hour conditioning which includes running(well, jogging for me xP), a lot of other footwork and other exercises like push ups, squats, etc. Later, we did some stretching and then (more...) workouts but with equipment like ropes, dumbbell, weight balls, etc.
Image source: Heathista
It was quite grueling for me since this was my first taste in such long workouts but I was able to maintain my stamina throughout (Well, I did had my fare share of sports before). I don't recommend to push to far. I kept pushing myself to keep going but never until I've drain out my energy. If I went all out at the first sprint, I would have died halfway!
After a draining workout, we all learned the basic techniques in boxing. We learned moves like jab, cross and hook. We learned some combos, how to move and posture. So, we practiced the techniques over and over again. Since I didn't have gloves, I didn't get to practice with the bag.
Image source: BodyBuilding
The day ended with sparring practice and me feeling great after a long workout!
The Next Day
The next morning... I had aches on both my legs and on my right arm (cause my dominant arm was my right). I forgo my heels for a comfy pair of shoes for work. The adrenaline high was gone but I didn't feel tired. Just a lot of pain... But omg... I think the weirdest part was I had a HUGE craving for food! Felt constantly hungry and finding myself looking for snacks to munch...
Image source: Healthy Dining Finder
My Thoughts.
I signed up for the gym classes. lol. Despite the pain and cravings, thought the training was a great workout and I really felt good about myself (slight increase in confidence there haha). My boyfriend is a little hesitant about though xP
Maybe I'll write my thoughts a few months later. Till then!
UPDATE: 18.12.2015
So it's almost 2 month (around there la) since I've been going for MMA practice. Twice a week man! Conditioning is still tough but I don't get as much aches as before. Sometimes none at all!
But sadly, this week is my last class... Cause the gym is quite far from our place so my bro and I are going to check out the Muai Thai place nearby ;)
All in all, great experience! The gym facilities are good though not enough gloves. Our coach was also nice. Not too intense. We learned some body techniques as well. Although maintaining stamina when punching is a hell! I do still enjoy going for classes. Burn all those fatties I ate haha xD and sparring started becoming fun (though the guys were easy on me :P hehe) Though when I fight with my bro, he's doesn't give me as much chance... (to be fair, he was trying to train me) Punch me in the eye once till my cheeks throb... man that totally shocked my body.
But getting punch in the face really ease your nerves later. After that, I felt a certain calmness when sparring. Like when I sparred with another guy, didn't feel as scared. Could somehow read his movements and block better.
So my advice, get punched xD haha! Then get back up again and punch back! (Not too hard till you heard your partner though..) Haha funniest part! I learnt that's its the same in life. Don't me afraid to fall or get hurt. Fail fast and getting up will get easier.
Peace outssss!!!!
UPDATE: 01/04/2016
At the moment, I have stopped MMA because I have different priorities but I hope to continue again in the future.
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