Monday 28 September 2015

Top 4 Must Have Basic Skincare

I use to have  skin problems with pimples popping on my cheeks, upper lip, chin and forehead. It wasn't severe acne but it's enough to give me insecurities. I could cover it up using make up but I refuse to because I wanted my skin to heal and have a proper skin routine in place before I start with make up.

And well, I don't have the patience of spending hours on wearing make up... haha

So I started looking into skincare and got caught up into Korean skincare which I would highly recommend! But Korean skincare have so many different types of products... There's the cleanser, moisturizer, cream, serum, essence, emulsion, etc... It can be confusing at first... And I am well aware that these products are not cheap so let me help you to get things started.

Okay. All those products are great for your skin but there are 4 essentials items you should have in your skincare kit for your daily needs.

Top 4 Must Have Essentials in your Skincare Kit

(1) Facial cleanser
A number 1 MUST ITEM! You need to get rid off all that dirt and grime off your face.
The foam types are recommend. It will be gentler for your skin. Rubbing your skin roughly will irritate it and cause more problems.

(2) Toner
Most people skip this step but it's essential that you have a toner to balance back your skin's ph level after cleansing it clean.

(3) Moisturizer 
Most importantly, moisturize! Keep that moisture in your skin!

(4) Facial scrub
Let's clear all those dead skin! Scrub only once or twice a week.

Start with these 4 and get into a habit. Then only start adding others such as serum, etc later.

Watch below for more!!

Get to know all 12 steps of Korean skincare!

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