Wednesday 18 May 2016

5 Simple Steps on How to Manage Curly Damaged Hair

Having natural curls isn't as dandy as many would think..

People tell me...
"You're so lucky to have naturally curly hair!
Do you know how expensive people pay to have your hair?!"

My reaction...

In my head...
"Bitch! Do you know how much pain I went through?!! 
Give me them straight hair!"

After 2 decades, I've finally figured out a way to tame and embrace my curly mane.

This is how I managed my curly hair!

Step 1: Moisurize your hair and apply Aloe Vera or Bamboo Gel
When my hair was initially quite damaged, I use to apply aloe vera during the night to repair it. Now that it has improved, I've switched to bamboo gel to keep its moisture instead.

Step 2: Don't forget your conditioner! 
Straight forward but try to experiment and find a conditioner that suits your hair. I usually look for one that has Keratin, Argan oil, or Jojoba oil.

Step 3: Apply Oils while its still wet
I usually apply them after showering while my hair is still wet.

Hair oils I recommend:
- Argan oil (They say this is the best but is the most expensive) - currently use
- Coconut oil
- Olive oil - previously used

Make sure you squeeze out all the water out of your hair first. You don't want hair water and oil dripping down to you back and cause back acne.

Also, don't go overboard with the oil! Too much oil will make your look wet throughout the day even though it's dry! Try out a little first and work through you hair. If it's too little, then add a little more.

NOTE!! This is the most important step for me to maintain nice curls! I realized if I missed this step, my curls get all frizzy..

Step 4: Let it air dry
Using a hair curler every morning?
I find that letting it air dry is the best way to keep those nice neat curls. But usually when I'm rushing and want it dry fast, I would blow dry it half dry while scrunching my curls together. I usually don't fully dry them with a blow dryer. I let the rest to air dry.

Step 5: End it with a hair serum or essence 
Usually when it's half dry, I would apply a hair serum or essence to make sure no hair flyaways and maintain the curls a little bit longer

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